James Daniel Sundquis, Who is He? All Facts That You Must Know About Jimi Hendrix’s Son

James Daniel Sundquist is the son of Jimi Hendrix, one of the most famous musicians in history. His father was a musician, songwriter, and singer with American Nationality. Jimi’s career does not last longer. It just ended after four years. Still, his father is considered one of the most famous instrumentalists in the rock music industry.

James Daniel has a Swedish Mother whose name is Eva Sundquist. James was also born in Stockholm, Sweden. Even though James Daniel is the son of the famous Jimi Hendrix, very few people know about James himself. Unlike his father, he does not appear in the public eye or maintain a social life. But for the people who want to know about James personally, there is some information about his early life, age, and family history.

We have collected the information about James Daniel from many factors and provided it to you. Learn more about James Daniel Sundquist by staying tuned until the end of this article.

James Daniel’s Parent’s Relationship

Jimi Hendrix met James Daniel’s mother during his musical tour in Sweden, Stockholm. Their relationship began to develop as they began dating each other. In his first meeting with Eva, there is no intimacy between them. But when Jimi returned to Sweden for a concert, Eva welcomed him nicely and gave him flowers. That is the time when they are intimate with each other.

Nine months after Eva saw Jimi, she gave birth to James in 1969. she told Jimi about his son’s birth, and Jimi said that he would meet him in 1970. The birth certificate of James’ father did not initially contain the name of his father, Eva, his mother. Eva claimed Jimi Hendrix as the father of James Daniel after his father’s death. It is when she revealed about his father and all the others also know about it.

No Paternity test was performed to prove that Jimi Hendrix is James Daniel’s father. Just Sweden court announced Jimi to be the father of James Daniel. This announcement was made in the mid-70s. Jimi Hendrix Jr. was born James Daniel after he was confirmed to be the son of Jimi Hendrix, Sr.

James Daniel’s date of birth

James Daniel was born in Stockholm, Sweden, where his mother lives. Because James’s mother and father got into a relationship when they both are in Sweden, they didn’t get married, and James’s mother did not move with his father to the place where he lived. The date of birth of James Daniel Sundquist is October 5, 1969. James Daniel is 53 years old, and his zodiac sign is Libra.

If we talk about James Daniel’s ethnicity, he had mixed ethnicity. Because he is the son of Jimi Hendrix, who is African American, and his mother, Eva Sundquist, is from Sweden.

James Daniel’s Meeting with his father

Even though Jimi said he would come to Sweden to meet with his son. But unfortunately, that never happened. Jimi did meet with Eva on the backstage of his concert. They spent time with each other but not with James.

After that, there’s only information in which Eva comes to know about the death of Jimi Hendrix, and that’s how Jimi never be able to meet with his son. When Jimi’s parents come to know about his son, they visit James. Specifically, James Allen Hendrix, known as Al, visited his grandson several times.

James Daniel Filed a case against his Grandfather

When Jimi Hendrix died, his father claimed all of his wealth out of greed. His family members are not allowed a single penny from the estate. Even though Al knows that his son Jimi has a child, he still takes all of Jimi’s wealth to himself.

James Daniel Sundquist filed a case against his Grandfather in Los Angeles, that he was the righteous heir of his father’s wealth instead of his Grandfather. The battle lasted longer, even though the Swedish court claimed him as Jimi’s son. But still, there is no paternity test held, that’s why James had to face a lot of difficulty.

James Daniel’s Father never married.

Jimi Hendrix had a lot of women around him most of the time. You can assume or call these girls groupies. But still, you cannot deny that Jimi had a relationship with them at some part of his life.

In high school, Jimi had a girlfriend whose name was Betty Jean. Back then, he was just a high schooler, so he had a relationship with this girl to the extent that he hand-painted her name on the back of his guitar.

Several sources attribute Jimi Hendrix’s hit song ‘Foxy Lady’ to his brief relationship with Lithofayne Pridgon in 1966. Following this relationship, he entered into a relationship with Kathy Etchingham, who inspired many of his popular songs. A bar in Dusseldorf was where Jimi met Monika Dannemann, his last girlfriend, after his relationship with Kathy ended.

At his death, he had become engaged to Danish model and actress Kirsten Nefer. He spent his final weeks with Kirsten before she had to return to a film set. In the middle of all this, he learned about Monika, who claimed they were deeply in love and planned to get married had he not tragically passed away.

All these women are intimate with him, but he has a defined relationship with Eva and Diane. There is also another woman who is known as the super groupie. Her name is Devon Wilson, and she lived a carefree life and dated many other musicians, including Jimi Hendrix.

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Daniel had a half-sister.

Jimi Hendrix, although never getting married, had more than one child. One of these children was Tamika, who claimed to be his daughter with Diane Carpenter. Diane and Jimi were together in California in 1966 when she became pregnant at 16.

Diane tried to reach out to Jimi to inform him about their child, but she returned to Minneapolis from New York, where she gave birth to their daughter, named Tamika ‘James Jimi.’ She attempted to contact Jimi again about six months after their daughter’s birth but was unsuccessful.

Around May/June 1970, lawyers for Jimi and Diane were planning a paternity test for the young girl. However, Jimi’s busy schedule prevented the test before his untimely death. As a result, the paternity test never happened, and Tamika could not rightfully claim her inheritance from her father’s wealth.

Nevertheless, although the paternity test had never happened, Tamika and some others discovered that the late musician’s children were claimed to be Jimi’s illegitimate children.

Daniel’s Father’s Death

On his demise, James’s father was with his girlfriend, champion skater Monika Danneman. According to Monika, before dropping Jimi to a friend’s house, she made him a meal, which they shared. After returning home, they had a lovely time together before bed.

In the morning, she left Jimi on the bed, and she knew he was alive. After a while, when she came to see him again, she discovered he was still alive but could not respond. At that point, she called an ambulance. They reached the hospital, and Jimi was reported dead at that time.

Monika said that Jimi takes a high amount of sleeping pills. She gave him those pills because he could not sleep for many nights, making him uncomfortable for many days. However, when they researched Jimi, his ex-girlfriend, who stayed with him for three years, they learned many discrepancies about what Monika said. Inhaling vomit was cited as the cause of death in the autopsy report.


Q: What happened when Jimi Hendrix returned to Stockholm the next year?

A: When Jimi Hendrix returned to Stockholm, he met with Eva, James Daniel’s mother, but he did not meet James Daniel. During this visit, Jimi Hendrix assumed another baby to be his, even though it wasn’t his biological child.

Q: Did Jimi Hendrix ever meet his son, James Daniel Sundquist?

A: No, Jimi Hendrix never got to meet his son, James Daniel Sundquist, as he passed away just a month after meeting with Eva, James Daniel’s mother.

Q: Who met with James Daniel after Jimi Hendrix’s passing?

A: James Daniel’s paternal grandfather, James Allen Hendrix (popularly known as “Al”), met with James Daniel a couple of times after the death of his son, Jimi Hendrix.

Q: What was the basis of the legal battle between James Daniel and Al Hendrix?

A: The legal battle between James Daniel Sundquist and Al Hendrix centered on the inheritance of Jimi Hendrix’s wealth, with James Daniel claiming to be the rightful heir.

Q: Was James Daniel’s paternity confirmed through a paternity test during the legal battle?

A: No, during the legal battle, although the court accepted James Daniel as Jimi Hendrix’s son, no paternity tests were conducted to ascertain his biological relationship with Jimi Hendrix definitively.


In conclusion, James Daniel Sundquist is the alleged illegitimate son of the legendary American musician Jimi Hendrix. Born on October 5, 1969, in Stockholm, Sweden, James Daniel has followed in his father’s musical footsteps and shares a deep love for the guitar, just like Jimi Hendrix. Jimi Hendrix, a celebrated guitarist and singer, was a prominent figure in the music world, and James Daniel inherited his passion for both the guitar and music. As he continues his musical journey, James Daniel Sundquist carries the legacy of his famous father, Jimi Hendrix, and his dedication to the world of music.

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