Kerri Browitt Caviezel: The Woman Beside Hollywood Star Jim Caviezel

Are you a fan of the talented and enigmatic actor Jim Caviezel? It’s Kerri Browitt Caviezel who has stood by his side through thick and thin and captured his heart! Behind every successful man is an equally remarkable woman, and in this blog post, we dive into the life of the incredible Mrs Caviezel. From her fascinating background to her unwavering support for Jim’s career, join us as we shine a spotlight on this remarkable couple that has taken Hollywood by storm. Get ready to be inspired by their love story and learn more about the extraordinary Kerri Browitt Caviezel!


Full NameKerri Browitt Caviezel
Date of Birth July 19, 1968
Place of BirthWashington, USA
Age (As of 2023)54
Spouse NameJim Caviezel
ChildrenThree Chinese Orphane Children
Bo Caviezel
Lynn Elisabeth Caviezel
David Caviezel
Kerri Browitt Caviezel height5 feet 9 inches
Relegiona devout Catholic

Introduction to Kerri Browitt Caviezel and her background

Kerri Browitt Caviezel is an accomplished American educator, author, and public speaker. She is best known for being the wife of Jim Caviezel, a renowned Hollywood actor who has starred in blockbuster hits such as The Passion of the Christ and Person of Interest.

Born on July 19, 1968, in Seattle, Washington, Kerri grew up in a tight-knit family with her parents and two younger siblings. From a young age, she showed a keen interest in education and was determined to make a difference in the lives of others through teaching.

After completing her high school education, Kerri went on to attend Western Washington University, where she received her Bachelor’s degree in Education. She then pursued her Master’s degree from Seattle University and graduated with honors. Her passion for education did not stop there as she continued to further her studies by obtaining her Doctorate degree in Education from the prestigious University of Washington.

Throughout her career as an educator, Kerri has held various positions ranging from being a classroom teacher to serving as a school principal. With over two decades of experience in the field of education, she has made significant contributions to shaping young minds and empowering future generations.

Aside from being an educator, Kerri is also an established author with multiple publications under her name. A major focus of her books is on helping parents overcome the challenges that are associated with raising children with special needs. Drawing upon her personal experiences as a mother to three adopted children with special needs, Kerri provides valuable insights into what it takes to raise children with special needs.

Her relationship with Jim Caviezel and their family life

Kerri Browitt Caviezel’s relationship with her husband, actor Jim Caviezel, has stood the test of time. The couple first met in 1993 when they were both attending a bible study group at the University of Washington. Despite their initial attraction to each other, they didn’t start dating until a year later when Jim asked Kerri to be his date at a charity event.

On July 20th, 1996, they were married after a short courtship. As a result of their shared faith and values, they have been inseparable since then. Kerri has described Jim as her “best friend” and credits their strong friendship as the foundation for their successful marriage.

Throughout their 25 years together, Kerri and Jim have faced many challenges but have always remained committed to each other. One of these challenges was when Jim suffered a severe injury while filming “The Passion of the Christ.” It was during this difficult time that Kerri became his primary caregiver, showing unwavering love and support for her husband.

Together, Kerri and Jim have also built a beautiful family life. They have adopted three children from China – Bo, Lyn Elizabeth (LeLe), and David – who hold a special place in their hearts. In an interview with LifeSite News, Kerri shared that she believes it was God’s plan for them to adopt these children as she had always felt drawn towards adoption.

The Together Again Foundation and its mission

The Together Again Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Kerri Browitt Caviezel and her husband, actor Jim Caviezel. The foundation’s mission is to provide support and resources to families of disabled children, helping them navigate the challenges of raising a child with special needs.

Kerri and Jim were inspired to create this foundation after facing their own struggles as parents of a disabled child. Their daughter, diagnosed with brain damage at birth, requires constant care and attention. This personal experience has given the couple a deep understanding of the physical, emotional, and financial toll that caring for a disabled child can take on a family.

Through the Together Again Foundation, Kerri and Jim aim to improve the lives of families in similar situations by providing them with necessary resources such as medical equipment, therapy services, respite care, and educational materials. The foundation also offers emotional support through mentorship programs and networking opportunities for families to connect with others going through similar experiences.

One of the main goals of the Together Again Foundation is to raise awareness about the challenges faced by families with disabled children. By sharing their own story and advocating for these families, Kerri and Jim hope to break down stigmas surrounding disabilities and promote inclusivity in society.

In addition to supporting families directly, the Together Again Foundation also partners with other organizations that share their mission. Together, they undertake a variety of projects, such as building accessible playgrounds or organizing fundraising events. One such project is “Run for Little Feet,” an annual 5K race that raises money for families with disabled children.

Kerri’s philanthropic involvement and contributions

Kerri Browitt Caviezel, wife of Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel, is not only known for her role as a supportive partner in her husband’s career but also for her extensive philanthropic involvement and contributions to various causes. Despite living a busy life as the wife of a celebrity and a mother of three adopted children, Kerri has made it a priority to give back to the community and make a positive impact on society.

A notable area of Kerri’s philanthropy is her work with Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). She has been actively involved with this organization for over two decades and has been dedicated to raising awareness and funds for their cause. In 2007, she joined the CHLA Board of Trustees and has since been an integral part of their fundraising events. Through her efforts, she helped raise millions of dollars for the hospital, which provides critical care to children in need.

In addition to her work with CHLA, Kerri is also deeply invested in helping children through adoption. Her own experience with adopting three children from China inspired her to become an advocate for adoption. She serves as a board member for Both Ends Burning, an organization that aims to improve international adoption practices. Kerri believes that every child deserves a loving family and works tirelessly towards making this possible.

Aside from these major organizations, Kerri is also involved in several other charities and causes. The Thirst Project is an organization that provides clean water to communities in developing countries.

Her views on motherhood and raising children with strong values

Motherhood is a role that Kerri Browitt Caviezel takes very seriously. As the wife of actor Jim Caviezel and mother to three adopted children, she understands the importance of instilling strong values in her children while also balancing their individual needs and personalities.

For Kerri, motherhood is not just about providing for her children’s physical needs but also nurturing their emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Her belief is that raising happy and successful children requires a strong foundation of values.

One of the key values that Kerri emphasizes in her parenting is love. In order to build a strong bond between her children and herself, she believes that unconditional love must be shown to them. It means being there for them through good times and bad, supporting their dreams and aspirations, and making them feel loved and valued at all times.

In addition to love, Kerri also prioritizes teaching her children empathy. She wants them to understand the importance of putting themselves in other people’s shoes and being kind and compassionate towards others. In order to achieve this, she sets a good example by involving her children in a variety of charitable activities, such as volunteering at local shelters or participating in fundraising events.

Kerri also places great emphasis on honesty and integrity. She firmly believes that these values are the foundation of trustworthiness, which is crucial not only in personal relationships but also in all aspects of life.In her teachings, she emphasizes the importance of always telling the truth, no matter how difficult or uncomfortable it may be.

Kerri’s interests and hobbies

Kerri Browitt Caviezel is not only known as Jim Caviezel’s wife but also for her interests and hobbies. She is a woman of many talents and diverse passions that have shaped her into the strong, independent person she is today.

One of Kerri’s biggest passions is fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. She has always been interested in exercise, and even before meeting Jim, she was dedicated to maintaining a fit physique. It is not uncommon for Kerri to share her workouts on social media, encouraging others to make fitness a priority in their lives. Taking care of oneself physically and mentally is important to her. Her interest in fitness goes beyond just physical appearance.

Aside from being passionate about staying active, Kerri also loves cooking healthy meals for herself and her family. She enjoys experimenting with new recipes that are both nutritious and delicious. In fact, her Instagram account features many mouth-watering dishes that will surely make anyone want to head straight to the kitchen.

Another one of Kerri’s hobbies is gardening. She finds joy in tending to plants and watching them grow. From flowers to vegetables, she has a green thumb that has resulted in a beautiful backyard garden at their home in Washington State. Gardening allows Kerri to disconnect from technology and connect with nature, finding peace in the simplicity of nurturing plant life.

In addition to her artistic abilities, Kerri enjoys painting as a form of self-expression and relaxation. Her paintings often feature vibrant colors and abstract designs.

Conclusion: The impact of Kerri’s presence in Jim Caviezel’s life and the importance of giving back.

Kerri Browitt Caviezel has been a constant presence in Jim Caviezel’s life since they first met in college. Through their decades-long relationship, Kerri has had a significant impact on Jim’s personal and professional development. Her unwavering support and encouragement have played a crucial role in shaping him into the successful actor he is today.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Kerri’s influence on Jim is her strong belief in giving back to others. Both Jim and Kerri are actively involved in various philanthropic efforts, with a particular focus on helping disadvantaged children and families. This shared passion for making a positive impact on the world has not only strengthened their bond as a couple but also served as an inspiration for others.

Kerri’s dedication to charitable causes can be traced back to her upbringing. Raised by parents who instilled the value of giving back, she learned from an early age that true fulfilment comes from helping those in need. It was this mindset that she brought into her relationship with Jim, who shares her passion for service.

Together, they have established the Caviezel Family Foundation, which aims to provide aid and support to underprivileged communities around the world. The foundation partners with other organizations that share their mission and work towards providing education, healthcare, food security, and other essential services to those in need.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about Kerri Browitt Caviezel:

1. Who is Kerri Browitt Caviezel? 

Kerri Browitt Caviezel is an educator as well as the wife of Jim Caviezel, a renowned actor in Hollywood. Her educational background includes a Master’s degree in education and several years of experience teaching special education.

2. How did Kerri meet Jim Caviezel? 

Kerri met Jim through mutual friends while he was filming the movie “The Count of Monte Cristo.” They were introduced at a Christmas party and instantly hit it off. Despite their 16-year age gap, they started dating and got married in 1996.

3. Does Kerri have any children with Jim?

Yes, Kerri and Jim have three adopted children together – two boys named Bo and David and a girl named Lyn Elizabeth.

4. What is Kerri’s role in Jim’s career?

Kerri plays a supportive role in her husband’s acting career by being his biggest fan and confidant. She also helps manage their family schedule to ensure that they spend quality time together despite their busy careers.

5. Is Kerri involved in any philanthropic work?

Yes, both Kerri and Jim are actively involved in philanthropy, particularly focusing on supporting organizations that aid special needs children, such as The Children of the Promise Foundation.

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